Supply of live Sydney Rock Oysters is fairly steady with condition improving going into Spring. We have availability of all grades ranging from cocktails (currently limited supply), smalls (bottles), mediums (bistros), large (plate) and X-large (limited supply).
Live Pacific Oyster demand is currently outstripped by supply from our existing farms Zippels Oysters in South Australia and Ironstone Oysters in Tasmania. We are excited to announce that Smithton Shellfish have joined Blue Harvest as a Pacific Oyster supplier. Located in the picturesque North-East of Tasmania with leases in Smithton and St. Helens, Smithton Oysters will have supply of Bistros (limited), Plates and Standards which should become available within the next 3-4 weeks.
‘Jurassic’ Pacific Oysters, unique due to their large size, are available live from the Clyde River in the following grades: very limited availability of XXL (210 – 259g), limited availability of both Jumbo (260 – 319g) and Grande (320g+).
The new harvest season for Goolwa PipiCo is well underway and this season presents a great opportunity to grow pipi sales with a strong supply of all pipi grades available in a range of live MAP, loose and cooked ready-to-eat formats. Harvesting fresh 52 weeks per year plus offering a range of product formats and freight options, Goolwa PipiCo can provide the Pipi solution you need.
We have strong availability of Bidgee Murray Cod from Griffith, NSW. This native carnivorous fish is fast being recognised as an emerging species for the retail and food-service markets due to it’s unique appearance, elastic skin, firm texture and clean taste. Impressive fillet yields in excess of 45% are achievable for whole fish grown to a size of 1.5-2kg.
The next crop of Gold Spotted Grouper from Trinity Bay fish farm in North Queensland is growing well. We are currently on track to recommence supply of plate size fish (400-1000g) in October. ,
Round Island Barramundi are producing a consistent supply of premium 750g-1kg fillets. Raised in ocean pens in Sri Lanka, they are fed the highest quality feed to produce a fish with a colour, texture and taste that is second to none. Skin-on, bellyflap-on fillets are now available fresh each week via airfreight. A shipping container of frozen fillets in 10kg cartons is due to be dispatched to Australia for distribution in October.